Awael Time Attendance Control System designed to record & monitor all the daily employees transactions regarding starting working time, finish working time, vacations, over time and others
for either monthly & daily work employees.
The flexibility of assigning employees to shifts & to design the rules
for shifts is a distinguished feature in the system , with this feature
the administrator can categorize company’s workers into group, and Each group has a specified working hours and certain duties differs from other groups.

System features:
• Provision to identify the number of working hours and special dealing within several different group and monitor.
• Provision to identify and monitor the works as shift for full year and make shift changes.
• Possibility for reading the workers duty information from the work clock.
• Possibility to make changes on the worker duty information.
• Provision of shifting duty information to the salaries management and workers affairs system.
• Detailing and displaying the overtime clearly and also, provision of entering unlimited.
• Short leaves for the worker in the same day.

This system has several features relevant to reports and
tables such as:
• Workers lists and their regularly duty ours.
• Lists for shift worker and their accredited working periods.
• Report for daily out monitoring which show workers movements
in details (i.e working hours, delays, overtime…. Etc).
• Detailed list for the overtime hours).
• Leaves table during specified period as well as detailed table for the work leaves and personal leaves during specified period.